Nanosized Poly(ethylene glycol) Domains within Reverse Micelles Formed in CO2
12-12-2012 -
Great Progress on Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
11-30-2012 -
ICCAS Make Series Progress on Developing Advanced Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
11-16-2012 -
Colloidal Photonic Crystals with Narrow Stopbands Assembled from Low-Adhesive Superhydrophobic Su...
11-07-2012 -
New advances of dye-sensitized solar cell in Institute of Chemistry
10-30-2012 -
ICCAS develop optical waveguide sensors based on organic nanomaterials
09-18-2012 -
Researchers Developed Underwater Low Oil-Adhesion Micro-devices“Oil Strider”
08-31-2012 -
ICCAS Researchers Developed Bio-inspired Adhesion-Controllable High-Energy Inorganic Surfaces
08-29-2012 -
A Tunable Ratiometric pH Probe Designed for Measuring Intracellular pH
07-06-2012 -
Researchers Develops Method of Fabricating Superhydrophobic Microparticles