Researchers Developed Underwater Low Oil-Adhesion Micro-devices“Oil Strider”
08-31-2012 -
ICCAS Researchers Developed Bio-inspired Adhesion-Controllable High-Energy Inorganic Surfaces
08-29-2012 -
A Tunable Ratiometric pH Probe Designed for Measuring Intracellular pH
07-06-2012 -
Researchers Develops Method of Fabricating Superhydrophobic Microparticles
07-04-2012 -
ICCAS Researchers Develop Solution-Procesable, High-Performance Small Molecule Photovoltaic Materials
05-24-2012 -
Oxygen Radical Chemistry Probed by Study of Atomic Clusters
05-11-2012 -
High Performance Inverted Polymer Solar Cells with Solution-Processed Titanium Chelate as Electron-Collecting Layer on ITO Electrode
03-26-2012 -
Diagnostic Tool: Polymer Film Loaded With Antibodies Can Capture Tumor Cells
02-28-2012 -
ICCAS researchers developed nanoscale components for photonic applications based on low-dimensional organic materials
02-23-2012 -
ICCAS Researchers Make Series of Progress on Asymmetric Primary Amine Catalysis
01-04-2012 -
Energy Conversion Efficiency of the Polymer Solar Cells in ICCAS Reached 7.6% by Two-Dimensional Conjugated Structure
12-27-2011 -
Aptamer-Mediated Efficient Capture and Release of T Lymphocytes on Nanostructured Surfaces