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Study on bionic surfaces with a self-cleaning "lotus effect" in micellar solution of block-polymer by a one-step coating process
In oriental cultures the lotus has long been extolled as the "beauty of purity" as evidenced by the lotus eulogies of Chinese poets in ancient times. The lotus has self-cleaning function so called lotus effect which is attributed to the water- and soil-repellent characteristics of its micro- and nanostructured surfaces. To make the self-cleaning lotus effect technologically useful the lotus-like polymer surface is recently studied by J. Xu and J. Dong's groups.
The bionic polymer surface is prepared by the formation of multi-molecular micelles of polypropylene and polymethylmethacrylate copolymer(PP-b-PMMA) in N N'-dimethylformamide selective solvent. Every micelle composes of the insoluble core of PP chains and the soluble shell part of PMMA its diameter of about 50~200nm and the aggregate sphere composed by several multi-molecular micelles is mostly around 1.5~2mm. The study demonstrated that the PP-b-PMMA multi-molecular micelle aggregates provide the micro-scale roughness while the nano-scale individual multi-molecular micelles on the aggregates surface provide the nano-scale roughness. The combination of micro-scale and nano-scale roughness induces more fraction of space for the air that is trapped between the water drops and the surface. In the same time such a micro-nano-binary structure(MNBs) minimizes the contact area of polymer surface with the water drops. The contact angle and sliding angle of water drops of 5ml on the rough surface of PP-b-PMMA copolymer becomes 160.5+/-2.1o and 9+/-2.1o respectively. Obviously such a method in this study can easily be extended to prepare superhydrophobic surfaces using different types of di-block or tri-block copolymers which are the most common form in polymer materials. (Adv. Mater. 2004 16(20) 1830-1833)
SEM images of bionicsurface and natural lotus. (A)Surface microstructure of natural lotus leaf. (B)Micelle aggregates deposited surface cast from DMF solution at PP-b-PMMA concentration of 5*10‑2 g/ml. (C)Enlarged view of an individual sphere with MNB structure in (B).